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Hamas and the Democrats


Posted 6:52 pm, 05/11/2024

smelly, you would have done a lot better saying nothing. If all you can do is spew out a load of MAGAT lies and propaganda, why say anything? We've heard it all before and it don't get any better for the retelling!


Posted 4:49 pm, 05/11/2024

Biden administration " we are smarter than anyone..... Taliban will not take over; Border is Secure; We defend democracy ( as long as it fits our narrative); men can get pregnant; inflation is lower than when I took over ( NOT)" Why support our best ally Israel????? What could possibly go wrong???......Need I say more


Posted 4:26 pm, 05/10/2024

I think we've done our part.
On BOTH fronts.now? The SIR,is beating down doors.
To have the American People foot the bill.
Oh,I gotta foot for ya! NATO DO YOUR DAM JOB!


Posted 4:20 pm, 05/10/2024

When did hamas give Israel billions of dollars in weapons and funding because that's what the democrats have done. lol what an asinine take.


Posted 3:58 pm, 05/10/2024

Civilians were killed by Putin in Ukraine, and what did Biden do? Did he call Putin? Did he form an international coalition to make it stop? He did nothing of the sort. Biden is the worst president in US history.


Posted 9:50 am, 05/10/2024

Netanyahu is a wannabe dictator just like Trump, ergo the affinity. Netanyahu is every bit as much a terrorist as the Hamas leaders, he also makes war on women and children.


Posted 11:01 pm, 05/09/2024

Will he be flying them in like his Hispanic invaders AND who will be paying for those flights?


Posted 3:27 pm, 05/09/2024

And now Brandon is going to bring these fine Gaza citizens into the US!


Posted 2:47 pm, 05/09/2024

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!! you MAGA's are showcasing your ignorance again.

HAMAS' rules and control of their population more closely mirror the GOP's wet dreams.


Posted 2:12 pm, 05/09/2024

Hamas is being used as a label to demonize people that are opposed to the mass slaughter of Palestinian women and children. The only people that approve of Hamas are other terrorists, like the ones that assaulted the Capitol Building 1/6. MAGATS have much more in common with Hamas than any other political organization in the USA. Remember: "Hang Mike Pence" a lynch mob out to kill a man for doing the right thing, for once in his life.


Posted 8:36 am, 05/09/2024

Demented pedo joe is withholding arms from Israel to pander to the hamas wing of los demonRatZ.


Posted 7:55 am, 05/09/2024

The **** of irony will never cease to amaze in the lack of self awareness department.

Stay a slave to that theater, ***anose! "They" love you for being so gullible.


Posted 7:40 am, 05/09/2024

Unonothing, if you came out of your basement and could get your head out of the sand it would still be in the dark because of where you keep it. And stink


Posted 7:38 am, 05/09/2024

Turn your TV off and get out of your house once in a while.

Or stay a slave to the man on the TV, we all know ***anose is the number 1 low level gullible.


Posted 7:32 am, 05/09/2024

Yes and their actions speak much louder than their lying mouths


Posted 7:28 am, 05/09/2024

Sadly, in America there is little difference between Hamas and the Democrats. This is a fact. This is proven by their actions.

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